Hotelrestaurant Gasthof zum goldenen Anker -

SzlovákiaHotelrestaurant Gasthof zum goldenen Anker



🕗 Nyitva tartás

27, Donaulände, 2410, Hainburg an der Donau, Bruck an der Leitha, AT Austria
érintkezés telefon: +43 2165 64810
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.148572, Longitude: 16.9394224

hozzászólások 5

  • Teofil B

    Teofil B


    Nice restaurant in Hainburg. Very "cozy" and the athmosphere is so warm! Recommend to any biker who finishes up for a break in Hainburg - not far away from the Vienese Gate of the old city! Also not far from the main train station in Hainburg.

  • en

    Nev Brits


    Very pleasant atmosphere, friendly service and excellent food! Extra room for private events available.

  • Marco Papa

    Marco Papa


    Limited but good menu. Seasonal and tasty

  • David Davies

    David Davies


    This was the worst experience in terms of customers service whilst cycling the Danube. The guest house looked down on us from the word go - to them we were seen as second class customers as we had a tent rather than a room. When we tried to get food from their restaurant out on the banks of the Danube we were completely ignored by the waiter and staff so went elsewhere. The lady at the desk was completely stuck up. Do yourself a favour if you're camping: cycle on to Bratislava. I hate giving bad reviews and I even more hate using google but here I am giving a bad review on google. You're welcome.

  • Tired Bicyclist

    Tired Bicyclist


    Last year (2016) my bicycle tour ended here. I accompanied a group of German charity riders. They found a comfortable accommodation. There is a bicycle garage. They are well prepared to receive guests coming by with a bike. I have been riding home by train (train station is pretty close). We watched the sunset whilst eating and drinking in the garden. 😊

legközelebbi Szállás

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