Informačné centrum Banská Štiavnica i Banskobystrický kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietInformačné centrum Banská Štiavnica



🕗 åbningstider

Námestie svätej Trojice, 969 01, Banská Štiavnica, Banskobystrický kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 45/694 96 53
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.4596668, Longitude: 18.8927874

kommentar 5

  • Peter Béreš

    Peter Béreš


    Otvorené aj vo sviatok aspoň teda 1.9. V I ochotný a ústretový ľudia, na čo sme sa opýtali, na to nám hneď odpovedali. Dostali sme do ruky mapku a krátke info co sa dnes vidieť dá a co zas nie. Súčasťou centra je aj najkratšia štôľňa Michal. Symbolické vstupné 0.50€ ale ten príjemný chlad vo vnútri..

  • Frantisek Ruzicka

    Frantisek Ruzicka


    Very kind and helpful people working here.

  • Daniel Carter

    Daniel Carter


    I went to the information centre to find out about thermal spas in the nearby towns - One of the most popular tourist attractions in the area. I have never seen anyone as disinterested in providing information as the lady behind the counter to whom I spoke. It seemed like she hated her job and especially tourists, and only gave one-word replies if possible. All she would tell me was in which towns the spas were. She couldn't provide any information about what was on offer or prices. When I asked if she could tell me how to get there by bus she shrugged and said "Humph... I'd have to look that up on the internet", but couldn't be bothered to actually do so. Staff in tourist information centres need to be knowledgeable, enthusiastic about their town and surrounds and eager to help people.

  • Rado Barka

    Rado Barka


    You will receive an info you are looking for

  • Miguel Machado

    Miguel Machado



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