Konditorei Kormuth v Bratislavský kraj

SlovenskoKonditorei Kormuth



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8, Sedlárska, 811 01, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 2/544 325 37
web stránka: konditoreikormuth.sk
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Latitude: 48.1435084, Longitude: 17.1073554

komentári 5

  • Raluca Bindac

    Raluca Bindac


    Wow! That's how I can only describe this place. Home-made cakes, best lemonade I've ever had and excellent service. All in a classic decor!

  • Ian Fenn

    Ian Fenn


    We travel to Bratislava reasonable often. Our last visit saw us visit this Konditorei. Its an experience and can be a bit of a shock. First off like many we didn't read the signs outside the place and just tried to walk in( as one would normally expect to do). The reaction from the waiter is immediate and can come across as rude. He will tell you to stay outside. He reminded me a little of the waiter Manuel in Fawlty towers. We waited and soon he invited us in and seated us. From then on everything went well. The place can seem expensive. There is a single per person price of €15.00. For that each person gets three items, their choice of hot beverage, cake/ pastry, and a cold drink/juice. Follow the "rules" of this place and its a wonderful visit. We initially thought the waiter rude but this was only because we barged in. Once we were in he was polite helpful and friendly. If its fast coffee or hot chocolate then go around the corner to the Cafe Corsini. If it is something different you want to experience then Kormuth is well worth visiting... just read the signs and be patient. We will be going back to this place!

  • en

    Fabian Behnke


    Simply the best cafe in the world. The atmosphere is so lovely! Its like a traditional old Cafe. The waiter fits into the that place perfectly. And it is the best cake i've ever ate! When i am back in Bratislava i will definitely go there again.

  • Yasser Asiri

    Yasser Asiri


    Beautiful place with delicious dessert. Stunning decor and outstanding painting arts. I highly recommend this place if you are in Bratislava.

  • en

    Susana de las Heras


    Normal coffee, non tasty cakes. Excesive expensive. The most rude waiter I've ever seen in my life. He shouted to some customers so furious because they asked for a cake but no coffee, he did it up in three occasions. When he was asked for explanations he said that the owner of the place has told him to do so. Unacceptable treatment. I recommend never going, it doesn't worth it.

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