Laundromat Café -

SzlovákiaLaundromat Café



🕗 Nyitva tartás

33, Ružová dolina, 821 09, Bratislava II, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
érintkezés telefon: +421 918 660 730
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.1488502, Longitude: 17.1445794

hozzászólások 5

  • Yun Heng

    Yun Heng


    Friendly and nice owner. Owner is very helpful and speaks perfect English.

  • en



    Proprietor helped me through everything, even ordering a meal next door. Cheers mate, awesome laundromat.

  • en

    Lucy Thornton


    Peter gave an excellent laundry service and makes a fantastic coffee with a great conversation that really welcomed us to the city. We arrived close to closing time and he stayed open late for us to finish our washing. By the time our washing was done there was a huge thunder storm and he drove us back to our apartment ! Five stars amazing guy and perfect English. Couldn't reccomend enough !

  • en

    rebecca x


    As a visitor to Bratislava, I can say this is in a safe location with a safe bus ride on public transportation to get there. With only 2 laundromats in Bratislava, this one is the most convenient using the public bus system from the city center. There's no worrying about tokens. The owner is there and turns on the machines for you, then tells you the charge at the end. Great area to hang out and wait with wifi and drinks available. 7 Euros for wash, dry, and mineral water. Detergent available if needed. Owner is very friendly and speaks perfect English. Highly recommended to travelers needing a place to wash clothes in Bratislava!

  • Lauren Maree

    Lauren Maree


    Great laundromat, well priced and great customer service and coffee. Took just over half an hour to wash and another half an hour to dry all my winter clothing from travelling. For both washing, drying and detergent it was €7.20. Very friendly owner and such a quirky little laundromat cafe.

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