Letné kúpalisko Mičurín (Iuventa) i Bratislavský kraj

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SlovakietLetné kúpalisko Mičurín (Iuventa)


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2, Búdková, 811 04, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 48.1529715, Longitude: 17.0937385

kommentar 5

  • sk

    Naty Mik


    Výborné kupalisko na schladenie letného dňa. Prijemne schladi priam oziabe ale dá sa na tú vodu zvyknut. Bazén je dlhý a priestranny na začiatku je plytky a postupne sa hladina zvysuje. Oceňujem hlavne vstup ZDARMA. Keď je kapacita 150 ľudí už dnu nepustaju. Musíte si počkať kým niekto vyjde. Ak vyjdú dvaja pustia dnu dvoch a vôbec ich nezaujíma že ste traja. Takže majú svoje pravidlá

  • Peter Tham

    Peter Tham


    Male letné kúpalisko s príjemnou atmosférou ,, dúfajme že aj v sezóne 2018 bude otvorene

  • en

    Lubosh C


    Incredibly nice location on top of the castle hill. Very nice and rare ca 25m swimming pool, known mostly only by locals. In 2017, the entry is free for whole season and capacity limit of 150 ppl (typically doesn't exceed, the place is not full even during hot days). Every year, there are big difficulties to open this pool at all. Probably because of big pressure of local property developers to destroy whole location in favour of expensive private appartments, as well as the overall state of the pool after winter. Thus, in 2016 it was closed and in 2017 it's open again. I'm happy this year it was possible and I hope spreading this word will make opening of this nice pool in next years possible as well.

  • Bård Eivind Dahl

    Bård Eivind Dahl


    Best place to hang out in town!

  • sk

    Libor Fuzy


    Znovuotvorene letne kupalisko s osobitnou atmosferou, ohrozovane zaujmami realitnych developerov. Kapacita rozumne obmedzena na 150 navstevnikov, otvorene len v pripade priazniveho pocasia.

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