Literárna čajovňa a kaviareň -

SzlovákiaLiterárna čajovňa a kaviareň



🕗 Nyitva tartás

49, Grösslingová, 811 09, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
érintkezés telefon: +421 904 546 409
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.1449149, Longitude: 17.119522

hozzászólások 5

  • Katarína Garajová

    Katarína Garajová


    The best place for chatching up with a friend in quiet and peaceful environment. The teas are delicious and the hummus is just perfect. The staff is very friendly.

  • Milos Hemerka

    Milos Hemerka


    Experienced and knowledgeable staff. Good selection of tea (...and some beer :))

  • Martin Fell

    Martin Fell


    Fantastic tea, informative service, geat food and wonderful atmosphere. A great place to while away your time reading a book.

  • Milan Regec

    Milan Regec


    The owner of this place is a tea grand-master, travelling the world and hand-picking tea from places and most importantly people he gets to know. Amicable, peaceful atmosphere stretches from the plantation all the way to this cozy tea-room. Your experience can be topped with small but tasteful selection of healthy refreshments. If you are tired of giggling shisha smoking teenagers, you will not find them here. Also, this place does not need to yell at you bio hipster urban eco organic philosophy like some other on this street. It is what it is. Honest, natural and peaceful. If there is more than three-four of you, maybe call first, as this place is rather small.

  • Anna Csordás

    Anna Csordás


    I love this tea house in the centre of Bratislava more than any other one. Why? Reasons are plenty. First of all, the staff are the nicest people who has widespread knowledge about the teas, what they offer. The place with its chill music creates an unique atmosphere. I feel like home when i am there with my friends. Who thought that so many memories could fit in in a small tea house? Don´t forget to try out their chocolate cake, black tea and chardonnay wine!

legközelebbi Kávézó

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