LUCULUS Ice Saloon i Bratislavský kraj

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SlovakietLUCULUS Ice Saloon



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16, Hviezdoslavovo námestie, 811 02, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 917 931 068
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Latitude: 48.1414258, Longitude: 17.1065954

kommentar 5

  • Johan Böhlin

    Johan Böhlin


    Excellent ice cream! Both normal ice cream and also a couple of clearly marked vegan flavors (the best kind, coffee and chocolate). Service is very fast, the queue moves fast. Staff is friendly and fun. Maybe a bit expensive compared to other ice cream places in Bratislava, but worth it.

  • Márton Fehér

    Márton Fehér


    The ice cream is delicious there! The staff is extremely helpful and kind. I can only recommend it.

  • en

    Guiping Xie


    Really good ice cream for okay prices. It was 1.50 Euro for one scoop and I believe 50 cents for every additional scoop at the time of writing. Long lines. Would definitely come again.

  • Lick my Batterie

    Lick my Batterie


    the icea cream was nothing special but the queue was! we had to wait 30 minutes, propably 3 times as much as necessary, just because the ice cream man had to entertain every single costumer. With each scoop costing 1,50 euro, it is a rip off and they didnt even have cookie flavour. I mean even in vienna at the best ice cream places it is cheaper.... Definitely can not recommend this place

  • en

    Felix Hafner


    It's your basic ice cream Café on the main boulevard in the old town. Price wise it's a bit on the steep side, which isn't surprising, given the location. You'll pay about as much as you do in Vienna. The ice cream is decent, nothing to be exciting about but not bad either. Dark chocolate and salty caramel was good, my girlfriend liked her chocolate and mint ice cream but wasn't blown away by the coconut.

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