Michalska Cocktail Room -

SzlovákiaMichalska Cocktail Room



🕗 Nyitva tartás

5, Michalská, 811 01, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Słowacja
érintkezés telefon: +421
weboldal: www.cocktailroom.sk
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.1444285, Longitude: 17.1066177

hozzászólások 5

  • peter hanuliak

    peter hanuliak


    Mt favourite place to meet with friends. Delicate atmosphere, wellcoming barmans. The staff is great here. Also the drinks are well balanced and the pricing is not as high as one would expect :). The tresh air supply need some improovement.

  • en

    Sean Crittenden


    Walked in the first night to a question "English or slovakian" as soon as we answered English advised was no room (there was no more than 4 people in there and we were a party of 10). When we asked about the following night the bartender was reluctant to let us book a table. We were seated in the corner right by the front door so we couldn't actually see 90% of bar almost segregating us from everyone else. Multiple times people came in "Slovak" and were immediately let in or were able to use the waiting room. Any other nationality this was not the case. The man who served the drinks was very nice but that didn't make up for the poor service to get in and the apparent dislike of everyone but slovakian. This led us to spending less than an hour and only getting the one drink. Disappointing

  • Robert Long

    Robert Long


    The Michalska Cocktail bar is a literally hidden gem in Bratislava. You could walk past the entrance to the bar dozens of times and never realize it was there. Once you discover the secret, you will find yourself in a Prohibition-era speakeasy establishment, with decor and lighting that perfectly fit the atmosphere. 1920s music in the background tops it off. You owe it to yourself to come here if you are in Bratislava.

  • Ian Caruana

    Ian Caruana


    Finding this place was difficult. You need to go into the urban cafe, take the stairs up to the toilets on the left, then open the door to what looks like a wardrobe. No signs for it anywhere!! Once we got there, the atmosphere is great. The staff are very attentive and very knowledgeable about their cocktails. Never been to a cocktail place with table service. The cocktails were also amazing, and priced at around €8 per cocktail. We recommend a reservation here as it gets very busy. If you don't have a reservation, you can go earlier (around 7PM) and you can probably get yourself 1 or 2 cocktails before they need the table back. A great experience overall - very much a speakeasy ambience.

  • en

    Dominika Majchráková


    My favourite cocktail place in Bratislava. It has a very nice atmosphere and they always play good music. And the cocktails are just great. The bartenders are really nice, if you can't decide what to order, just ask for advice. It gets very busy during the weekends, I prefer coming here on week nights. Highly recommended :)

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