MMG Freedom Barbers & Shop i Bratislavský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietMMG Freedom Barbers & Shop



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2, Námestie 1. mája, 811 06, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 2/526 234 54
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.149317, Longitude: 17.1100239

kommentar 5

  • David Clarke

    David Clarke


    Booked online. The barber was courteous and contacted me to cancel the appointment. However, the barbershop was in no way accommodating to book me at another time that day with another barber. I’m sure this a very high quality barbers, but for me, all I have to take away from the experience is disappointment.

  • David Mikulovsky

    David Mikulovsky


    always great service, great barbers and people. .. i don't know any better in the city

  • en

    Michal Mjartan


    If you are used to a barber shop, where you can relax, talk to the barber and get an amazing look, this isn’t such a place. It looks and feels like a manufacture, there are 8-9 chairs stuck together in one room, and you feel like you are one of the sheep waiting to get the trim... And what was worse, I didn’t get the cut I wanted. Now have to wait a few weeks till it grows back so I can go to a real profi (@Rami, Rowdy Barbers in Berlin). So I will definitely not be going back.

  • weseli - edits

    weseli - edits


    This is one of the barbershop where they care about your problems with your hair. They let me to talk 5 minutes straight about how i am not pleased with my hair, they also provided me with a solution for a reasonable price.

  • Tomas Hartansky

    Tomas Hartansky


    The experience is quite different from other hair cutting places. My barber was very proud of his profession and confident in his ability to know what's right for me. It's interesting to submit to someone else's will but I'm not sure I'm coming there again. I still like being heard and listened to when it comes to what I want my own hair to look like.

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