Museum of transport v Bratislavský kraj

SlovenskoMuseum of transport



🕗 otváracia doba

6419/1A, Šancová, 811 05, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 2/524 441 63
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Latitude: 48.1557019, Longitude: 17.1061898

komentári 5

  • Elizaveta Kabanova

    Elizaveta Kabanova


    I think the museum worth visiting. Its quite small, but still can offer you a nice exhibition of old cars, trains outside, some of which you can enter. Also other interesting pieces of transport history.

  • Nate Stumpff

    Nate Stumpff


    Excellent and varied collection, walking among the train cars out back was amazing. Text isn't translated into English, so be prepared to use your phone for that

  • Krystof Klestil

    Krystof Klestil


    Fantastic. The reason for four stars only it I felt they could have had a larger display of cars, apart from that I very much recommend this place to anyone interested in cars and their history.

  • en

    K. Honan


    This place is a fun activity to do on a rainy day. It has many different examples of transport, and a lot of antiques like old luggage etc. It also has model trains etc and the staff there are clearly passionate about their work. I would allocate maybe an hour or two for this place, but real transport buffs could easily spend all day here admiring all the different examples.

  • Ferenc Lukács

    Ferenc Lukács


    I was absolutely satisfied, I loved this place and very happy to be here! Amazing old-time exhibition which has taken me through the last century. Lot of sights, but I missed the detailed brochures in English... would be great idea a guided tour...and take a look closer the locomotives, but it's forbidden. It worth coming here, our family spent an unforgettable one and half hours.

najbližšia Múzeum

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