Old Fashioned Bar v Bratislavský kraj

SlovenskoOld Fashioned Bar



🕗 otváracia doba

Laurinská 214/14, 811 01 Bratislava, Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421
web stránka: www.oldfashioned.sk
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Latitude: 48.143637, Longitude: 17.1111511

komentári 5

  • Tom Smith

    Tom Smith


    Very good bar. Fantastic decoration. It feels like a sophisticated drinking lounge. There are large sofas surrounding a square bar offering great seating for groups as well as singles and couples. The drinks are beautifully made. They offer an old fashioned menu with different base spirits for the classic drink. I would highly recommend!

  • en

    Kynigos Pantelis


    Great place. Beautiful interior. Needs reservation.

  • James Edwards

    James Edwards


    Happy Birthday. Japanese Single Malt recommended. Could have stayed here indefinitely.

  • Victoria Glover

    Victoria Glover


    This place is a real hidden gem and a “must visit” if you’re in Bratislava and looking for a sophisticated place to enjoy a few drinks. It’s hidden away down a bit of a dark corridor off one of the streets in the historic part of the city with no real sign (that we saw) but when you get inside it’s amazing. The place is so well themed, the decor is gorgeous and the toilets were some of the nicest I’ve ever seen in a venue. The bar is in the middle of the venue with a really huge selection of spirits - the barman said they had over 100 gins to choose from. He tailored our drinks to our individual tastes and they were presented really nicely. We were even given a couple of free drinks because they were celebrating the bar’s first birthday (although that was obviously a one off). It was quite busy considering it was a Wednesday night but apparently it gets much busier from Thursday-Saturday. It’s a lot more expensive than the average place in Bratislava but it’s really worth a trip if you want somewhere a little more up market and away from the stag dos. Music is also great - quite a Motown vibe.

  • Daniel O.

    Daniel O.


    Really nice, but expensive bar. Awesome interior and modern, creative Cocktails served in interesting glasses. They use a bit too much of aromas for my taste, a bit more of the classical ingredients would suit the overall vibe of the place better. I assume the place is pretty young, as the bartenders seemed to work after recipe lists :) the chilly jazz music from the entrance was sadly not what was played upstairs. Again the upstairs music didn't really suit the vibe and was too loud to keep a conversation going. The owners need to decide which direction the bar should take. At the moment all the details are great, but the overall picture/idea is unclear. So at the moment it seems modern, but also pretentious. In the end, it was worth the visit to try some new Cocktails but there is still room for improvement.

najbližšia Bar

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