Panta Rhei i Bratislavský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietPanta Rhei



🕗 åbningstider

18, Ivanská cesta, 821 04, Bratislava II, Bratislavský kraj, SK Słowacja
kontakter telefon: +421 2/436 346 68
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.1679882, Longitude: 17.1803236

kommentar 5

  • Dave Harper

    Dave Harper


    Good place. Huge choice of books and other stuff. Great service. If they dont have what you looking for they will point you to different their stores and even reserve it for you. On top of the book store they have coffee corner with good coffee and tea. Great deserts to choose and quiet place. You can take a book from store with you and read here.

  • Andrej David

    Andrej David


    Klasická väčšia panta rhei. Personál je ochotní a milí ale mohlo by mať väčší prehľad.

  • Marian Mozucha

    Marian Mozucha


    I lke this bookstore as it provides u a possibility to sit down there and read their book.

  • Gabika Slovakova

    Gabika Slovakova


    Great place to read books if you haven’t decided which one to buy. Staff is kind and friendly, coffee is delicious.

  • Jozef Doliňák

    Jozef Doliňák


    No, dnes maximálne sklamanie v ich kaviarni. Pýtal som si originál tureckú kávu s kardamonom. Čašníčka mi povedala, že dnes nerobia, ale že mi donesie zalievanú kávu. No, ešte tak vodovú kávu som asi ani nepil. To i indický čaj je silnejší.

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