Piváreň Predná Hora -

SzlovákiaPiváreň Predná Hora



🕗 Nyitva tartás

1659/1, Ševčenkova, 066 01, Humenné, Prešovský kraj, SK Slovakia
érintkezés telefon: +421 911 299 111
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.9339134, Longitude: 21.9111551

hozzászólások 5

  • Slavomir Trencan

    Slavomir Trencan


    Very good food nice staff right in the centre with good price

  • Richard Hand

    Richard Hand


    Nice food and beer

  • David Meggers

    David Meggers


    Such a massive variation in experience. Staff can be generally pleasant, coffee is good, beer is very good (this alone should give it a five star rating), even lunch was enjooyable to the point that we wanted to return for dinner. This, however, is where it went a little wrong, and here is the general gist of the one star rating with general caution: we ordered Mexican burgers, and they were served with several scotch bonnet (at least) chillis without any warning it would be scotch-bonnet-chilli spicy, spicy to the point of being inedible ("Oh, its Mexican spicy, we did ask you" was the response, whatever Mexican spicy is supposed to mean, and no we do not recall being told this would be an experiment in scoville endurance - the added bonus being the addition chillis to burgers that were not supposed to be spicy, and to a child). Pointing this out to the owner (by all accounts new ownership as of 1 month or so ago as of writing) was met with absolute hard-core obstinacy measured in terms of suggested crimes against humanity (why are you complaining) and being such a heinous crime to even suggest the food was inedible because of something we had done to it, obviously. In other words: you are in the wrong, tough, if you don't like it sod off. Our expectation was to simply eat something or at least be warned if our taste buds were about to be assaulted by something approaching Krakatoan heat, even the child's food. The replacement didn't materialize. We were charged for something that was inedible, not eaten, and the person collecting the cash for the bill had a serious attitude issue ("f*** you, I didn't take the order"). So I can recommend this for the beer (which is excellent), the coffee (also excellent), but do not expect any customer service beyond being served and having your cash taken from you (the caveat here is that some of the waiting staff are lovely and are sadly wasted here, and would be an asset to your business); if you do have any higher expectations, forget it. Don't expect anything other than "WTF are you whining about, pay up (no cards) and leave". Enjoy the beer or coffee, pay up, clear off.

  • Tomas Hnat

    Tomas Hnat


    Absolutely in love with this place. Great food and they have they own beer. Staff is always smiling and it's fast.

  • Hivar Hivarovič

    Hivar Hivarovič


    Good beer, best service

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