Pizzéria Bella Napoli -

SzlovákiaPizzéria Bella Napoli



🕗 Nyitva tartás

10, Drevená, 811 06, Bratislava - Staré Mesto, Bratislava I, SK Slovakia
érintkezés telefon: +421 2/544 120 10
weboldal: bellanapoli.sk
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.1467384, Longitude: 17.1086221

hozzászólások 5

  • en

    Lukas Sulc


    Uninterested staff, very slow service, food not good. We had pasta and both very overcooked in the same sauce despite ordering different, parmesan was not parmesan for sure, just cheap pasta in supermarket kind of sauce, no serving with even a single basil leaf or anything. Simply, they don't care, the chairs are the same for 20 years. It was a nice place years ago if I remember well but for sure not now.

  • Roxana.L



    Good atmosphere, nice staff, lovely music. I ordered a quatro formaggio pizza and it was good but I can say I ate better pizza in other places. The traditional armeanian cake with honey and nuts was very tasty.

  • לילך אוחנה

    לילך אוחנה


    Graet food and graet service! Very recomended!

  • en

    Peter Dolák


    The food (especially pasta) was quite unimaginative, but pizza was all right. Good service.

  • en

    Adam Sikora


    Disgraceful service, stay away from the place. Me, my girlfriend and her brother visited this restaurant during our one-day stay in Bratislava. We ordered one pizza - we always do so in the places we explore, so that 1. based on the first pizza we decide if we like the food and order more 2. we do not eat cold pizza. Also, it was 400 - 500g according to menu, so surely not a dish for a single person. The waiter was visibly angry at this order. He threw one plate and one set of cutlery on the table without saying a word. When I asked him if he could provide enough plates for the three of us, he said: "ONE PIZZA, ONE PLATE" and left. Food is not only about the taste, but also about the ceremony of eating - if the waiter / owner / whoever it was is a cheap boor who disrespects the customers, the recommendation can be only: DO NOT ENTER THIS PLACE.

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