Poprad–Tatry Airport i Poprad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietPoprad–Tatry Airport


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100, Na letisko, 058 01, Poprad, Poprad, SK Slovakiet
kontakter telefon: +421 52/776 38 75
internet side: www.airport-poprad.sk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 49.069155, Longitude: 20.2489826

kommentar 5

  • xxbartex



    Excellent airport which really shows everything about my home area. I don't mind it being small.... The lounge was free xdddd

  • Alena Corfield

    Alena Corfield


    Lovely little airport ... can't fault any staff working here ...

  • sk

    Tomas Krajnak


    Milý personál...ale malo miest na sedenie....ked som šiel do Uk..tak bol naplánovaný let do Bulharska a všetci ti ludia teda sa začali v hale tlačiť...akože letisko bolo pekné a nedá sa stratit..ale malo miesta na sedenie a obchod co bol vnútri...by mohol byť väčši...najväčší problém bol v miestach..preto styri hviezdičky

  • en

    Lysander Mckain


    While I enjoyed the lack of crowd and fuss, there's one thing I should warn you about. The shop inside is neither "duty-free", nor good. Extremely high prices (yeah, where else are you gonna go?), low choice. If you wanna bring some local stuff like Tatra tea, or just like to grab an occasional whisky bottle, do it wherever you're staying.

  • Will Ferra

    Will Ferra


    Beautiful airport but terribly underused! It is almost impossible to find any international departures or arrivals at all!! It would be so convenient for tourists all over the planet to arrive to the gorgeous Tatras. What the hell is the secret to keep it hidden and underused??? A jewels of a little airport. No flights from the U.S.A. and most of Europe and Asia?? Damn! must be local politics I'm sure. :(((((

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