Relaxačné a Športové masáže Bratislava - Dorsum štúdio v Bratislavský kraj

SlovenskoRelaxačné a Športové masáže Bratislava - Dorsum štúdio



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7, Michalská, 811 01, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 919 296 806
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Latitude: 48.144558, Longitude: 17.106632

komentári 5

  • Jeff B.

    Jeff B.


    One of the best massages I've ever had. They really work hard to stretch and massage you. I got a 60 min massage with Kristina to help an aching shoulder. She ended up massaging everywhere except my actual shoulder, and I though for sure it didn't work. That is until she finished, and I tried using it. It was almost completely better. It was amazing! I'll definitely be going back. They even offer mobile massages if you can't get to the massage studio. I'm looking for that!

  • en

    Mich D.


    Atmosphere and Intention - if those things are important to you - go here! I have had a great experience at Clay Body - I've been there a couple times and the atmosphere and the extra care that is given is hands down the best out of all the places I have been. Masseuse is great and took the extra care to help me release tension in my back. It is a spiritual experience at Clay Body. I've had the Trigger Points Massage and Aromatherapy work and recommend both!

  • April Banks

    April Banks


    The Magicky Dotyk award winning spa is experience not be missed. From the moment you step into the spa with its soundprooofed rooms, with your slippers to the heated massage table-you are pampered and spoilt by the highly trained therapists. Its not so much the treatments that you book for,but the time spent because the highly trained therapists assist you in choosing your treatment depending on your skin type,stress levels and pain threshold- there is no pre-chosen treatment. My latest visit there for the "time" spent cost 99 pounds and started off with a foot massage,plus a full body scrub, a brush and a firm(requested) deep tissue massage. The best part is that as the prices are reasonable, the public areas are not overcrowded or noisy.

  • en

    Coleen B


    Wow wow wow Absolutely incredible. This place really understands the human body and pressure points. And there really is nothing better than someone that listens to what you came in for and works on it. I'll be coming back. Also is very clean. But on a real note, I get massages all the time and this was top massages. Highly highly recommend coming.

  • Jayden Walker

    Jayden Walker


    Booked for my friends birthday. We got a massage at the same time using the promotion at the time, we got a 75min massage and a sugar foot scrub for 79 Euros each and it was well worth it. The tea, refreshment and lime water at the start and end created such a nice pamper environment, and the massage left me feeling so relaxed and great. The ladies were all very sweet and friendly. Would recommend others.

najbližšia Kúpele

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