Roland Restaurant Café -

SzlovákiaRoland Restaurant Café



🕗 Nyitva tartás

356/5, Hlavné námestie, 811 01, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
érintkezés telefon: +421 917 635 013
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.1431736, Longitude: 17.108121

hozzászólások 5

  • en

    Salvatore Spataro


    This had to be the worst café/restaurant we were in. The service was almost non existent. The food was terrible and the too pricey. Tourist trap for sure.

  • Bill Oikonomou

    Bill Oikonomou


    The beer was fair, but costed €4.5 for 0.5L for ajust a Czech draft..! Extremely expensive!!! The staff was quite friendly though.. The place was nice..

  • Daniel Bryden

    Daniel Bryden


    The food is fine but it is very expensive. Walk along and you'll find the same food at almost half the price in other restaurants. The double espresso was awful.

  • Clint Stringer

    Clint Stringer


    No complaints! Everything was good, from the service to the food to the atmosphere. I didn’t feel that it was overly priced for the setting, and the very generous portions. For you folks complaining about the price, there are street vendors with $3:00 sausages. Go and enjoy your budget fine dining on the street corner. Better yet, there are McDonalds everywhere! This place is worth it.

  • Ina Kacani

    Ina Kacani


    What a great evening we had here! The service is absolutely fantastic and our whole visit was very enjoyable. I really feel like I need to specifically point out how amazing our waiter was! I grew up in Bratislava and I don’t think I’ve ever had a better or nicer waiter. That was exactly what not good but awesome service looks like. :) Everything we had from cocktails to snacks was delicious. Regarding the prices I don’t understand many of the reviews since the prices are European standard...(I used to live in Austria, UK, Hungary, Croatia, etc.) and I feel people always think when they come to Eastern Europe everything should be half price but since the Euro has been introduced the prices went to the same level as everywhere else for groceries, rent, etc. If you want cocktails for $1.5 go to Thailand ;)

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