Rooster Tattoo i Bratislavský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietRooster Tattoo



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8, Kúpeľná, 811 02, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 907 666 554
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.140581, Longitude: 17.1119474

kommentar 5

  • Ondrej Hinček

    Ondrej Hinček


    Nice place with friendly staff and quality work. There was a bit of struggle with getting a date for the session and the place is a bit pricey for my taste (paid 50€ for the tattoo of the tree and 70€ for the triangles) but you don't have to worry about quality of the ink in tattoos or about the hygiene because they seem to be the top priority.

  • en

    Petra Lučeničová


    Very talented artists working here. They are very busy though, so do not expect to get appointment easily.

  • Janka Koptulova

    Janka Koptulova


    Great place ;)

  • Hannes Boraschke

    Hannes Boraschke


    I was there for a quick medium size tattoo and Mist did a great work! If you want to get a tattoo in Bratislava, go there ;-)

  • Atty Schulz

    Atty Schulz


    Came in for a quick and small tattoo. Although I feel we had to pay a special touristprice, we're happy with the results!

nærmeste Butik

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