Ružinov brewery Komín -

SzlovákiaRužinov brewery Komín



🕗 Nyitva tartás

17, Miletičova, 821 08, Bratislava-Ružinov, Bratislava-Ružinov, SK Slovakia
érintkezés telefon: +421 944 737 688
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.1536905, Longitude: 17.1365874

hozzászólások 5

  • en

    Jakub Máčaj


    Great selection of their own craft beers frequently rotating on the tap. Wonderful food for reasonable prices. They are a bit higher considering location but quality of food is definitely worth it. Be sure to stop by if you're around.

  • Gabriel Mlynar

    Gabriel Mlynar


    You've got to like this place. It's a nice pub. In the middle of an old market place that's been there since ever. There you can see a huge chimney as from a smaller-ish coal power plant. Very cool touch I must add, they have their own glasses looking like that chimney :) The owner is a very helpful guy listening to objective complaints or suggestions with the pro-customer orientated approach. Food is very good as well, service I we can't complain about. I've been to this place since they opened a few years back. Never left disappointed, always very happy to return. I've chosen this place for many 'official' team buildings, meetings with friends or just casual hanging out. There's a bigger are on the floor where you can watch live matches (e.g. ice hockey etc...). They serve tons of different kinds of beer which are definitely worth a try. All in all, I have very few (close to zero) complaints about this place weather you chose it for a first date, second date or going out with GF, wife, team or a managers meeting. It serves all purposes and well. Highly recommended.

  • Tadej Zupan

    Tadej Zupan


    Nice place with good beer. Terrible reservation policy. They wanted 20 EUR per person in advance (15 persons X 20 EUR = 300 EUR !!!) . So I went to other place where reservation was for free.

  • Štefan Šeňo

    Štefan Šeňo


    Great pub in industrial style with prompt staff. Meals are delicious. They offer either craft beers or their own. Amazing place to watch matches.

  • Lakerko



    I felt like I wasn't welcomed. Like we, the paying customers were burden. The food was OK, nothing special. There is a big selection of beer, but I didn't like it much.

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