San Marten -

SzlovákiaSan Marten



🕗 Nyitva tartás

172/33, Panská, 811 01, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
érintkezés telefon: +421 911 340 341
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.1415023, Longitude: 17.1056946

hozzászólások 5

  • Miro Kollar

    Miro Kollar


    An Italian restaurant with a French name. It has kept reasonable pricing even after the management change several years ago. Pasta dishes are good, although the quality can vary when there is a new cook (which happens in Slovakia regularly in most restaurants). Personally I go there for casarecce with sundried tomatoes and rucolla and have a glass or a bottle of Peltzman rose (produced in Austria) with it.

  • Tomáš Galata

    Tomáš Galata


    Nice place where you can rest from sightseening of the old town.

  • Hirak Dutta

    Hirak Dutta


    We had fish n chips in this joint. It was simply superb. Enjoyed.

  • András Szada

    András Szada


    Perfect place if you want to wait half an hour for a cappuccino and and hour for a sandwich which you never get, because “paper was lost in the kitchen” Waitress was like she is still sleeping or she doesn’t know where she is... and doesn’t care about the guests too much. I had to ask for the check three times because she forgot it. This was a sunny afternoon with only a few guest at the place. So no reason to have this awful experience. Location is good, otherwise the place is terrible.

  • Ryan Mack

    Ryan Mack


    Been here twice for staff parties. The staff are nice which is a big contrast to the city (foreigners know). The food is good enough and the bar has lots of choices. However, the bathroom is through and outside alleyway and is shared between many establishments. The doors don't close and it's very rough. Winter time is tricky.

legközelebbi Étterem

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