Slovak Post i Bratislavský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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35, Námestie SNP, 811 00, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 2/544 333 30
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.1455338, Longitude: 17.108646

kommentar 5

  • Benjamin Bayl

    Benjamin Bayl


    Hopelessly slow and incompetent. Incredibly long wait times, half the windows are closed. Useless.

  • en

    Ajy Axon


    Really inappropriate behavior and overall poor service! Please get civilized! This is the time!

  • Vicente Albujer Serrano

    Vicente Albujer Serrano


    Horrible service! Despite the fact I have had to wait always beetween 45-60 minutes to pick my package up, sometimes they have told me that somebody had picked my package for me...when nobody could have picked it up, except me! It´s the same reaction as always, when they don´t know what to do, they get nervous and start yelling at you as it was my fault! Then I had to go the lost objects office and after 40 minutes I could pick up my package. I would not reccomend anyone to use the services of this post offfice, it´s caothic!

  • en

    Janice Mak


    Although the staffs were not good at English but they tried very hard to communicate with us. I went to send postcards. And he showed me the prices clearly and confirmed the destinations with me patiently. At 10am, not much people waiting here.

  • en

    Robert Cerveny


    Disgustingly useless. Would be better off using any other private shipping company. Would give 0/5 if I could.

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