Slovak Pub -

SzlovákiaSlovak Pub



🕗 Nyitva tartás

Obchodná, 811 06, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
érintkezés telefon: +421 2/529 263 67
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.1483669, Longitude: 17.1123661

hozzászólások 5

  • en

    Ong Yisheng


    THE WORST RESTAURANT IN THE WORLD!! GIVE IT A TRY AND YOU WILL KNOW WHAT I AM TRYING TO SAY. Or maybe just don't ever give it a try, don't waste your money on there. Have to pay for the service charge and the service was REALLY REALLY REALLY BAD!!! Super bad! Ignorant waiters! Super bad attitude! No smile! Change our main course without asking us. They just serve another food and told us "it's not possible to change" and "food sold out" if it is "sold out" I'm fine with that, but they must come and ask us what food we would like to have. But NO, they just came with another food! To be honest? What's wrong with them! Will never visit this place ever again! BAD!!!!!!!!!!! WAKE UP GUYS!! YUCKS!!

  • Matej Macho

    Matej Macho


    The place itself is very thematic, furnished in a traditional and cozy way making visitors feel comfortable and nostalgic, just like a visit to one's grandparents. The food is mostly great. One time it's average, the other time the best you've had - it varies. Also, the personnel is rather moody and easily angered due to the traffic of customers they have all the time. Expect that to reflect upon wait time for you main dish. Personally, I love the place, it has its unique atmosphere and a traditional cuisine. For food experience, come on weekends before 18:00, for a meeting place experience over a glass of beer, come later.

  • Ahanu Banerjee

    Ahanu Banerjee


    Service is extremely slow and inattentive; not disrespectful, just disinterested. We waited 10min after sitting for a waiter to take our order. A simple chicken entree took over 30min to prepare. Be sure to ask how long it will take if you cannot stay a full hour. The food is OK: good prices, good flavour, but not worth the wait. Bathrooms do not have hot water. The menu says "tip is not included", but the service is not good enough to warrant much of a tip.

  • en

    simon wyzgala


    Thank you for such a nice night here at Slovak pun. The food here is very tasty and very heavy (keep that in mind). Far away from healthy. The beer quality is very high and the staff is very nice too! I definitely recommend this place (not to vegans.. only for the beer)

  • en

    Francesco Piga


    I’m glad we stumbled upon this place - the venue is very charming, the food is very genuine and packed full of flavour, the prices are very humble. We had the sharing platter, everything had great taste, amazing cheeses, I wish I could try everything on the menu. Service was quick even though the place was busy. Their homemade beer is very good as well. I can’t recommend it enough! I’m surprised it’s not much higher in the ratings.

legközelebbi Étterem

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