Slovakia Tours - sharing the real Slovakia with you from 2003 v Banskobystrický kraj

SlovenskoSlovakia Tours - sharing the real Slovakia with you from 2003



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14, Starohorská, 974 11, Banská Bystrica, Banskobystrický kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 917 578 990
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Latitude: 48.756588, Longitude: 19.1676

komentári 5

  • Ron Skrovanek

    Ron Skrovanek


    Martin took our group on a day trip over much of East Slovakia and I greatly enjoyed the day. He had a long day showing us around and we appreciated his efforts. He was very informative and friendly. Use them for touring Slovakia!

  • Chie Kawahara

    Chie Kawahara


    My husband and I took the Hut to Hut Guided Tour in the High Tatras in September 2018. We loved it. Beautiful mountains and lakes were expected and they were greatly enhanced by the wildlife we saw, edible berries we found, clear spring water, and the good weather we had. Communications with the office leading up to the tour was handled clearly, promptly, and courteously. The mountain huts were charming, each in it's own way. We were provided with travel vouchers for each hut, and breakfast and dinner were included. Dorm rooms were comfortable and most huts had showers. All we had to pay for were the extra drinks we had. Thanks to our guide, we enjoyed Sherpa's Tea and Horec at every hut. It's a must try! The steep rocky trails were challenging at times especially the section with chains and ladders, but our guide Roman Hric made sure we were safe. He was very knowledgeable and had a great sense of humor. If we were to do this again I would not bring hiking poles and would bring a pair of flip flops to wear in the huts. We highly recommend this tour.

  • Rich Letrent

    Rich Letrent


    I have utilized Travel Slovakia's services numerous times. I have never been disappointed. There is no better way to see and experience Slovakia.

  • Eva Trnovská, Ing.

    Eva Trnovská, Ing.


    Review from Tours 2014: Hello Lenka, The trip to Bysta and Brezina was one we will cherish for the rest of our lives. Lucia was an excellent guide and everything went smoothly. She spoke very good English and was professional and accommodating in every way. Her translation skills were essential for us to thoroughly enjoy the experience. She was kind, extremely patient and totally respectful of the people we met. ( I'm sorry if she gained a few pounds from all the food we were served! ) I am grateful to Travelslovakia for providing such a wonderful service. I am happy to let you use my testimonial on your website and would be glad to be a reference for people looking for this type of heritage experience. All our best to you and Lucia, Peggy from USA

  • Martin Koska

    Martin Koska


    Review from Tours 2014: Dear Lenka, I didn't get the chance to thank you for the amazing trip you helped planned. I am particularly grateful for you contacting Pietr and Martin who spent a whole day with us to talk about my grandfather. You really made this trip very meaningful for my family! We loved the accommodations in Košice and Danka was amazing! This trip surpassed all of my expectations, and I am very grateful. Maya from USA

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