Spirit of Wine v Bratislavský kraj

SlovenskoSpirit of Wine



🕗 otváracia doba

31, Obchodná, 841 05, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 944 491 949
web stránka: www.spiritofwine.sk
zobrazit mapy a najít trasy
Latitude: 48.1477976, Longitude: 17.1107843

komentári 5

  • weseli - edits

    weseli - edits


    I casually enjoy this place. Pros: cheap wine, big tables. Cons: sometimes the staff seems to be interested, the quality of wine.

  • Alexia Lucia

    Alexia Lucia


    Great atmosphere, best ribezlak wine ever, nice decorations and always the best company. Also great waiters, who will make you special extra drinks if you ask ❤ also, great toasts

  • Ondrej Hinček

    Ondrej Hinček


    If you are looking for a place with nice atmosphere, very good prices and wide selection of wine, spirit of wine is the perfect place for you! There is smoking and non-smoking area. The only downside is that the quality of air is a bit bad because it's underground but apart from that it's a great place to visit!

  • en

    Diana Dobrovodská


    NEVER EVER GO THERE! THOSE PEOPLE ARE THIEVES! Poor air-conditioning! Waiter did not care to come. And we payed five times more than the usual prices are for the same drink! We are never ever going back and I'll let know all of my friends! 20 € for 2L of burčiak... Crazy!

  • Branislav Brúder

    Branislav Brúder


    Although they have a very good selection of wines as well as the best prices the staff is horrible(at least one of the bartenders). Numerous times I came with a big group of people who would never find out out about this place was it not for me and yet last night the bartender said straight to my face - I remember you. You made a mess last time. Anything happens and I won't serve you. Few minutes after that my friend was a bit louder and met his colleagues. None us knew them. Then they spilt a bit of wine. After that the guy didn't serve ANY OF US FOR THE REST OF THE NIGHT. Half of the people with me have never even been to this place before! In other words a typical example of Slovak bar/pub hospitality....

najbližšia Bar

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