St. Martin's Cathedral v Bratislavský kraj

SlovenskoSt. Martin's Cathedral


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1, Rudnayovo námestie, 811 01, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 2/544 313 59
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Latitude: 48.1420007, Longitude: 17.1050149

komentári 5

  • Pixo Bixo

    Pixo Bixo


    Beautiful place full of history. A few very interesting facts. All the Queens and Kings of Hungary Austrian Kingdom were crowned in this cathedral. The golden crown on the top is relatively small when you look at it from the ground level but it's actually as big as a car.

  • Edward Rodrigues

    Edward Rodrigues


    This is a wonderful Cathedral in Bratislava . Not so ostentatious like most churches but has alot of history behind it. Definitely deserves 5 stars and a must visit

  • Marcelo Tardío

    Marcelo Tardío


    This is the main church in Bratislava. The view of the cathedral from above (the UFO observation deck) shows an armony with the castle and a well-fit contrast with the new bridge. The night view is also completely different and it is better to have it from the castle.

  • Vincent Oliver

    Vincent Oliver


    A spire dominating the skyline of Bratislava is the three-nave Gothic church from the 15th century which served as the former coronation church. A gold-gilded replica of the coronation crown, weighing 150kg and the size of a small car, is atop of the cathedral tower of 85m. The interior is ornate but when we visited there was a concert, so we could only peep through the door.

  • Ferenc Lukács

    Ferenc Lukács


    As with the castle, the surroundings of St Martin's are as memorable as the structure itself. In the cathedral’s case, this includes the picturesque remains of outbuildings in a spacious staired courtyard... Very beautiful, majestic and inspiring. Must see!

najbližšia Cirkev

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