Starbucks v Bratislavský kraj




🕗 otváracia doba

16, Ivanská cesta, 821 04, Bratislava II, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 948 387 274
web stránka:
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Latitude: 48.1647676, Longitude: 17.182291

komentári 5

  • Andrej Mlynarcik

    Andrej Mlynarcik


    Very popular cafe, even quite expensive

  • Gustavo Mitoš

    Gustavo Mitoš


    I asked for an espresso and it was warm. I made a claim but the guy put it under hot steam to make the coffee hotter instead of preparing a new one. It resulted in a burnt coffee which tasted terribly bad. If you are looking for italian style coffee you better think in other coffee shops. Starbucks are experts in mixing watered coffees with milk, chocolate or whatever and serve them in big carton containers usamerican style.

  • Julia Hope

    Julia Hope


    Girl couldnt make the cadhier working at first, then i asked for one coffee with coconut milk, one with soya milk, she was putting cream on top so i stopped her. Instead of sorry she blamed me as a customer that I should have told her without cream, which it is obvious if you are getting non diary milk you cant have cream either as it is diary based? Diary is allergen and so it is up to them to ask about cream if barista isnt sure. Then she only took the cream off with a spoon and left still a bit there, we asked her to make anew one, which she made unhappily. Also she made both of them with coconut milk and when i told here i asked for soya milk, she she said... but we dont have soya milk today. :D could have been told when making an order.

  • Kelvin Eagleton

    Kelvin Eagleton


    Good service, nice coffee and chocolate cake. Got the country cup for our collection.

  • Kelly Krošlaková

    Kelly Krošlaková


    Great staff, friendly and helpful. No request is an imposition.

najbližšia Kaviareň

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