Supermarket BILLA i Bratislavský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietSupermarket BILLA



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Hodžovo námestie, 811 06, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 911 320 115
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.1487206, Longitude: 17.1093531

kommentar 5

  • Yao L

    Yao L


    Terrible shop. All the cashiers look unhappy and are rude.

  • en

    Jakub Rábl


    Standart shop with standart kvality.

  • Lukas Jurkanin

    Lukas Jurkanin


    If there would be better acces from the street I would give 5 stars.

  • Monika N F

    Monika N F


    Absolutely dreadful service. I don't expect people to speak English everywhere, but being rude to me because I don't speak Slovak is completely unacceptable. This lady with dark red hair who was on the till for 2 evenings in a row has been so awful to me when I've done absolutely nothing but not be Slovak. I've just come as a tourist to admire this stunning country. Literally threw my change at the till and started scanning the next person's items and putting them on top of mine. I have a big shop to do tomorrow with tons of sweets and wine and I will not be going to a Billa store, even though it's one of my favourites and I was so excited to see it in Slovakia (we have them in Bulgaria as well). If someone was to represent my business like this, if definitely sack them. She's giving such a bad name. I can't believe I came here to express my frustration from her and there are other people who have complained lol

  • en

    Andrea Solbrich


    Stuff couldn't speak any English and was very unfriendly. Wouldn't even consider helping me.

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