Sushi Mushi Restaurant -

SzlovákiaSushi Mushi Restaurant



🕗 Nyitva tartás

5, Bosákova, 851 04, Bratislava V, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
érintkezés telefon: +421 902 666 333
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.128206, Longitude: 17.119886

hozzászólások 5

  • Marek Subrt

    Marek Subrt


    Overpriced and only average...

  • Dávid Pribula

    Dávid Pribula


    Great experience regarding the food, even if you are not fan of Asian food or sushi in particular, you can still choose out of many other. Very tasty, great looking and fresh produce. Place is cozy looking but has enough room to have the personal space needed, and I would also call it quite romantic. Was my first time there with my girlfriend and I found it a bit confusing, as apparently there are two entrances to the restaurant, and we probably chose the one less used and all eyes were on us .. but no one to tell us where to sit / where not to sit. Everyone looking at us and wondering if we are going to sit or turn right back around and leave. The staff here was 50:50 some of them very polite, good humour and professional and some not very talkative & spilling some water on the table while bringing/taking things .. but we could overlook that :) For the prices, it's inadequately expensive in my opinion. I am willing to pay for quality, but it really has to be in all of the above & waiting 30+ minutes for the food is not good at all when you are really hungry. I expect the waiter to attend to you when you enter, at least to sit you down, and to make your experience as good as can be.

  • Andrej Zemandl

    Andrej Zemandl


    Walked in late afternoon, restaurant seemed empty, just 6-8 staff members talking together in a circle. So I ask them if its open, went silent and looked at me, said "yes". Asked if they can pack two soups to go and they said "no". No explanation, alternative, nothing. There are plenty places who do talk to customers so this was my last time.

  • en

    Miroslava Visniarova


    Best sushi in Bratislava.

  • T Hati

    T Hati


    Perfect space, perfect personal and also perfect sushi !

legközelebbi Étterem

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