Swimming-Pool Banská Bystrica i Banskobystrický kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietSwimming-Pool Banská Bystrica



🕗 åbningstider

45, Švermova, 974 04, Banská Bystrica, Banskobystrický kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 48/471 78 00
internet side: aqualandbb.eu
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 48.7357333, Longitude: 19.1285927

kommentar 5

  • Otti Krizan

    Otti Krizan


    nice big place,even better with Legits Blast

  • boogie trinity warriors

    boogie trinity warriors


    Clean pool very big not too deep for young children yet deep enough for adults

  • Andrei Nikitin

    Andrei Nikitin


    Great place. For good price

  • Alena



    Seriously, in this day and age the state of this so called "Aqualand" is appalling. Such a shame as the area has so much potential to build something beautiful and modern. It needs complete renovation, breaking it all down and reconstructing from scratch. Even changing the layout perhaps. Right now it is simply dangerous and I cannot believe that relevant authorities in charge of health and safety are keeping it open. Wake up people!!!

  • Michal Cimerman

    Michal Cimerman


    There were about 60 people around the pool, but just 5 people swimming. The reason being is that water was super cold! I was literally shaking when I got into it! All the swimming pools were that cold. On the other hand food was relatively good, but that didn't improve overall experience. One visit was enough. Never again.

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