The Alien Police and Passport Service in Bratislava i Bratislavský kraj

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SlovakietThe Alien Police and Passport Service in Bratislava


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Hrobákova, 851 03, Bratislava V, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 961 036 855
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.1153802, Longitude: 17.1159698

kommentar 5

  • Максим Шестаков

    Максим Шестаков


    The line is long, so you most likely have to wait for several hours for procedures related to residence permit. But the process itself (in our case at least) was fast and professional, while police officers were strict, but helpful and had no intent to make our lives harder, i'd even say they did all the best to make it easier. So we came prepared for worst, being told that it goes bad for everybody, but in the end that visit made our day.

  • en

    Alen Tatic


    They are incompetent and malicious. It's almost like they have clear instructions to obstruct even the most clear-cut requests for permanent residence.

  • Sabina P.

    Sabina P.


    A trully sinister place in Slovakia. From the "foreign" police i would expect them to speak at least simple English but either they don't or simply do not want to. Very long waiting time, unfriendly or unhelping staff. A really bad and stressfull experience! They like to humiliate you and make you feel unwelcomed! The building looks like a post apocaliptic school, the facilities are unsanitary at least!

  • Marco Dietrich

    Marco Dietrich


    I deleted my positive 4 stars review. You all are right: That really the worst place ever. Don't go there, only you have to!!! Had the number "000" and waited 7 hours... With some luck and the help of my Slovak company we made it before they close...

  • Seiru Nagahori

    Seiru Nagahori


    I went there two times, first time I went there my first impression was, so poor information in English and nobody is working for helping people who is making reservation. Second time I went there I arrived at 7:00am, and I even could not get any ticket. How can they manage a office which even you come before opening time you can not have a ticket? It is just horrible, this state has to take care about a problem..

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