Thermal Corvinus i Trnavský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietThermal Corvinus



🕗 åbningstider

597/4, Promenádna, 932 01, Dunajská Streda, Trnavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 31/553 03 36
internet side:
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Latitude: 47.847294, Longitude: 17.761652

kommentar 5

  • Tomas Raksani

    Tomas Raksani


    Huge and largely green areas make the place okay for even the most crowded days. Great for kids of all age incl. babies and toddlers, especially the pool with very slow gradual decent. Babies can have naps on the edges of the area with more trees. Great adrenaline attractions above the ground, cheap meals and drinks. Definitely worth a visit in summer (In winter probably a very limited experience).

  • Marek Mikos

    Marek Mikos


    Overcrowded, but good. A lot of attraction for kids

  • Miroslav Hurban

    Miroslav Hurban


    This place is really nice. Crowded usually but nice. Lots of fun activities and for the first time i saw a pool for jumping on the water only :). Why you should pay extra for water slides stays mystery. Tasty food for nice price.

  • Charmaine Benfield

    Charmaine Benfield


    Very pleasant experience. Only downfall is the lack of English speaking people at Service Points.

  • Sabina Covacs

    Sabina Covacs


    Me and my family always come here for our vacation. Amazing prices and extremely nice pools. The food inside and outside of the premises is also very tasty. Top notch services. 👌

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