SzlovákiaTHERMAL CORVINUS Velky Meder



🕗 Nyitva tartás

20, Promenádna, 932 01, Dunajská Streda, Trnavský kraj, SK Slovakia
érintkezés telefon: +421 31/555 21 04
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.8459376, Longitude: 17.7608989

hozzászólások 5

  • Silvia Klucarova

    Silvia Klucarova


    Very nice place for the whole family. Wonderful activities so it's always someting to do. Nice new atractions for the smallest ones and also for the bigger ones. In the summer it can get too busy and then the outdoor toilets aren't very appealing. Lots of traditional fried food could be updated with some healthier options.

  • Anna C

    Anna C


    I can recommend this place, especially when the weather is nice because most swimming pools and facilities are outside. The only drawback was that during our stay almost all slides and one swimming pool for small children were out of order. In colder weather I would recommend going to the spa in Győr, which is 30 minutes away from Meder if you go by car.

  • Martina Uhrinova

    Martina Uhrinova


    A large area full of swimming pools with attractions suitable for all ages, from little babies to seniors. Pools are well maintained with clean water, plunge steps in between are dirty. You can easily find shadow during hot sunny days because plenty of trees. Large playgrounds with wooden ladders and attractions, sandpits, swings for all kids and teen age, for adults too. The food is great disappointment, it is really terrible, typical socialist fatty fast food meals. No fruits, no veggies, no salads, no healthy choice, no pasta, no pizza, nothing for vegans. Even the fish is defrosted processed meal, no grilled fish. Only eatable is machine made fruit sorbets, that is lovely and hot corn. Just one shop with swimming equipment inside the area, not sufficient, very limited choice and then the owner seems to be president of the globe😂

  • Jan Jelínek-Navrátil

    Jan Jelínek-Navrátil


    Nice place for whole family. Kids enjoyed various pools and water attractions. One star down for food. It was hard to get something healthy. Most of available food is too much fast food style, fried and heavy.

  • Jan Solař

    Jan Solař


    Nice facilities - lockers, showers, changing cabins. All indoor. Thermal water looks more like heated normal water. However pools are quite long. Also possible to swim in normal pool and slide down toboggan

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