Thermal park Dunajska Streda i Trnavský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietThermal park Dunajska Streda



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237/38, Gabčíkovská cesta, 929 01, Dunajská Streda, Trnavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 31/551 00 96
internet side:
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Latitude: 47.985036, Longitude: 17.6084644

kommentar 5

  • Phali z

    Phali z


    Many nice pools with hotspring water. 3 indoor pools as well. Tobogan for older kids. Bring cash as there is no ATM and they don't accept cards in the food stands.

  • G Solutions

    G Solutions


    all is ok, but ice-cream seller near to exit ) is little bit awkward. Reminded me monkey ). Be careful, not clear what it want more, play or get banana. Hope rest slovak ice-cream sellers more evolved )

  • Iveta Krajcovicova

    Iveta Krajcovicova


    Njce big aquapark, suitable for kids. With thermal.water. After reconstruction there is no pool for swimming, just pools for relax.

  • Ferenc Lukács

    Ferenc Lukács


    There isn't local transport to go to this place from the railway station if you didn't arrive by car...the walking takes around 30 minutes. In case of an afternoon check-in safe or changing rooms are not provided, especially for many guests. Interesting was the entrance fee... We thought the slides usage are included in the entrance fee...but we had to pay for those separately... for example 30 sliding - 4.5€

  • Peter Dedinsky

    Peter Dedinsky


    Wellness par is great, no kids are allowed to enter. But hygiene can be improved i smelled mildew in the air, herbal sauna door can't be fully closed. You are only provided with one towel, if it is very wet, you are not allowed to have another one . Overall good

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