Trojka Bistro v Bratislavský kraj

SlovenskoTrojka Bistro



🕗 otváracia doba

27, Bulíkova, 851 04, Bratislava V, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 902 316 987
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Latitude: 48.1248694, Longitude: 17.1300118

komentári 5

  • Martin Rothen

    Martin Rothen


    Great burgers. They use mostly home made ingredients.

  • Jason Bolczak

    Jason Bolczak


    Very good local Burger. The staff was attentive and nice. The place is small! Two small tables for two, a small counter for four, and two bigger tables that seat four. I will definitely be back.

  • Miroslav Nemček

    Miroslav Nemček


    One of the best burgers in Bratislava. Fair price. Good portion. The bistro itself is smaller, better to reserve.

  • Peter Krejči

    Peter Krejči


    One of the best burgers in the city. Although the place is small,you don't usually wait long to get a seat and waiting is really worth it! And there's every week different special offer, so you've got a reason to come back :)

  • en

    Matej A.


    Nice little place. Fits few people only, so it feels quite cozy. I only tried one of the burgers, this weeks "special" pepper burger. With "combo" (fries, sauce, coleslaw and a soft drink), the price was 10.90 which I find a bit steep, but acceptable, had the burger been really as good as in the reviews. Looked terrific, however the meat inside was raw. I would not call this medium, it was really raw in the middle. In my opinion, the burgers are too tall to be eaten comfortably and the lower part of the bun was so soaked that everything was falling out through it. The burger tasted all right. I think there was a little too much of everything, I much more prefer to have at least vegetables on a side so that I can decide how much of everything i put inside the burger. The burger was not bad, however I am not sure how can somebody claim these to be best burgers in town. What really disappointed me was usage of plastic forks, plastic cups for drinks and plastic containers for coleslaw. The place claims to be using only fresh and high quality ingredients but how about giving the environment a thought? One small dishwasher would take care of all glasses and silverware very comfortably with much lower carbon footprint on the planet...

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