TURKISH KEBAP v Košický kraj




🕗 otváracia doba

3377/1, Námestie osloboditeľov, 040 01, Košice I, Košický kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 905 170 496
web stránka: www.omkebap.sk
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Latitude: 48.7171794, Longitude: 21.2614793

komentári 5

  • sk

    Ľuboslav Mišaga


    Fantastický kebab jeden z najlepších v Košiciach

  • Guide Traveler

    Guide Traveler


    History of Doner kebab Sandwich Cağ kebabı, a related dish. Note that the meat is horizontally stacked. The earliest known photo of döner, by James Robertson, 1855, Ottoman Empire. As mentioned in Ottoman travel books of the 18th century, meat was cooked in a horizontal stack rather than vertical, like the cağ kebab. Grilling meat on horizontal skewers has an ancient history in the Eastern Mediterranean, but it is unknown when slices of meat, rather than chunks, were first used. The region of Anatolia is well-known for kebab dishes, and the town of Bursa is considered the birthplace of the vertically-roasted döner kebab.[6] In his own family biography, İskender Efendi of 19th century Bursa writes that "he and his grandfather had the idea of roasting the lamb vertically rather than horizontally, and invented for that purpose a vertical mangal". Since then, Hacı İskender has been considered the inventor of Turkish döner kebap,[5][non-primary source needed] though he might have been preceded by Hamdi Usta from Kastamonu around 1830. With time, the meat took a different marinade, got leaner, and eventually took its modern shape.It was not until a century later, that döner kebab was introduced and popularized in Istanbul, most famously by Beyti Güler. His restaurant, first opened in 1945, was soon discovered by journalists and began serving döner and other kebab dishes to kings, prime ministers, film stars and celebrities.It has been sold in sandwich form in Istanbul since at least the mid-1960s. The döner kebab, and its derivatives shawarma and gyros, served in a sandwich, came to world-wide prominence in the mid to late 20th century. The first doner kebab shop in London opened in 1966,[11] while Greek-style doner kebab, also known as gyros, was already popular in Greece and New York City in 1971. In Germany, the döner kebab was popularized by Turkish guest workers in Berlin in the early 1970s. The dish developed there from its original form into a distinctive style of sandwich with abundant salad, vegetables, and sauces, sold in large portions at affordable prices, that would soon become one of the top-selling fast food and street food dishes in Germany and much of Europe, and popular around the world.[15]

  • Pavel Fábián

    Pavel Fábián


    Parádne teľacie, fajnr som sa napapal

  • Berivan Pavliková

    Berivan Pavliková


    Výborný kebap a dobrý personál .

  • sk



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