Urban bistro i Bratislavský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietUrban bistro



🕗 åbningstider

5, Michalská, 811 01, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 903 402 976
internet side: urbanbistro.sk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 48.1444552, Longitude: 17.1066154

kommentar 5

  • Bryce Burk

    Bryce Burk


    You have to try the lemonades, they were excellent! The Chili Con Carne was good, pulled pork was good. Our waiter was the best that we have had in Europe so far, refilled our water cups 3 times which for an American means an extra star taking it to a 5 star review. Location is also perfect, inside or outside you will have a good meal.

  • en

    Giulia Bruno


    Great location and very nice atmosphere. Very good design. Lovely place for having breakfast. Good menu. The service was good but not impressive. possibility to eat inside and outside.

  • Marcello Rehder

    Marcello Rehder


    The restaurant is really nice and the food I ordered, the Red Thai Curry with Jasmine rice is really good. BUT BEWARE! IF THEY OFFER YOU CHICKEN IN THE FOOD, THAT IS NOT INCLUDED! You're paying an extra 2.5 Euro on top of the 9.90 Euro for the Red Thai Curry itself. But it's still really good. I would've only liked a little a little more Jasmine rice to eat with the rest of the food.

  • Jiří Syrový

    Jiří Syrový


    Cool hipster place with really good coffee. I've ordered only one coffee without breakfast and though the waiter looked a bit surprised (as it was breakfast time) he was perfectly okay with that and brought my coffee quickly. Filter coffee was very much in line with my expectations and comparable to other places around the world.

  • en

    Stephen Lewis


    Excellent good food for what looks like a coffee shop. Great decor, very clean toilets. Sous vide pigs cheeks and walnut and parsley sponge was amazing. Had to ask the chef how he made the parsley root mash. Really recommend and they do modern style breakfasts until lunchtime....

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