Wellness Hotel THERMA v Trnavský kraj

SlovenskoWellness Hotel THERMA



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4, Priemyselná, 929 01, Dunajská Streda, Trnavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 31/552 24 42
web stránka: www.therma.sk
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Latitude: 47.9868338, Longitude: 17.5990553

komentári 5

  • Louise Fenton

    Louise Fenton


    AWFUL... ! I am a well travelled person and have stayed in many hotels over the years and mostly get what I would expect based upon the description and hotel rating... I should state first of all that I have never written a review before following a stay at any hotel, until now. This is by far the worst hotel that I have ever stayed at, so bad that I checked out and found another hotel. The hotel is in much need of attention, mostly in regard to staff who are beyond miserable and bad mannered. We had no room clean, no fresh towels and no hot water... if you like to stay up past 10pm be prepared to grab a taxi and go out, or, sit in your room as the bar closes at 10pm. Also, when the bar is open, they were short of their already limited stock, and without Ice! I can’t comment on the food as I didn’t dare try it! This was in no way value fore money, we in fact checked into a 5* hotel in Bratislava and had an executive suite with breakfast included, for the same price! Thank god we checked out of this dump as we had a very pleasant end to our trip! Despite the miserable experience and inconvenience caused to us, the hotel has since emailed us to chase us for 1 Euro for a bottle of water consumed in the room...!! What a joke! I think a refund to us would be more appropriate!

  • Eva Némethová

    Eva Némethová


    I go there only for thai massage but it's the best here, I am sure:)

  • Monika Demőková

    Monika Demőková



  • Roman Danko

    Roman Danko


    Great place to wellness. They offer multiple types of sauna and have four jacuzzi. It is quiet place and not overcrowded. I had some minor issue with communication, however i recommend this hotel for wellness.

  • Katarína Kovanova

    Katarína Kovanova


    Very good spa sessions, Thai massage also very relaxing and it was lovely to have a couple massage. Not every jacuzzi was working properly. Dinner is given in form of Swedish tables but after 9pm there is almost nothing left. The food that left was however very tasty. Staff is perfect, especially Eszter the spa manager. She is very nice, kind, funny helpful and making sure everyone is enjoying their stay.

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