Yeme i Bratislavský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Landererova, 811 09, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421
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Latitude: 48.1421442, Longitude: 17.1261607

kommentar 5

  • Viktor V

    Viktor V


    Grocery store offering local produce of high quality with higher prices. Bakery and butcher in house.

  • en

    Janka Kozikova


    I generally like Yeme very much bt this particular shop is quite a disapointment. Very limitted choice, on many occassions the shelfs are half empty, particularly for joghurts, cheeses etc. Large shelfs for alcohol and dry food (such as crisps, nuts and chocolates) but small place dedicated to fresh food.

  • maquara



    It is a new store for food primarily from Slovak farmers and producers. Also they claim that a lot of products from ecological and bio farming. They have a bakery and sell own products. The fruits and vegetables are always fresh and it is a pleasure to look at. The have a huge variety of products to choose from. It is a bit more expensive but nothing tragical. One thing that I like the most is a corner in witch you can eat the things you just bought. That is not common in Slovakia.

  • en

    Ajy Axon


    The worst value for money ever... That's why it takes 1 star... Go to DM next door the same bio stuff is cheaper and in better quality! Yes DM looks like every other pharmacy store while yeme looks like a delicatessen shop but that's about marketing...

  • Miroslav Kacera

    Miroslav Kacera


    Fresh and quality products in a friendly way. Also they have some specialities you can't get anywhere else than Yeme. On the other hand this store is a smaller one compared to the store on Tomasikova so you can have a hard time buying some kind of products.

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