Carnevalle - Meat Restaurant -

SzlovákiaCarnevalle - Meat Restaurant



🕗 Nyitva tartás

20, Hviezdoslavovo námestie, 811 02, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
érintkezés telefon: +421 903 123 164
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.1419613, Longitude: 17.1080866

hozzászólások 5

  • Paul Burrows

    Paul Burrows


    Good tasty food. Not the cheapest in town but quality is good

  • Thomas Tran Dinh

    Thomas Tran Dinh


    Best steak in Bratislava (only good steak in Bratislava actually), excellent excellent service. What else?

  • en

    Marianna Líšková


    The food was good, the steak could have been a little thicker though. They tried the trick with wine on us, ordered a bottle, they brought a different year and on the bill was the same price as for the older one.

  • en

    chris sustr


    UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU EAT AT THIS RESTAURANT. THE FOOD WAS HORRIBLE...COLD AND OVER SALTED. THE SERVICE IS EVEN WORSE IF YOU CAN IMAGINE. I REPEAT, DO NOT EAT HERE. FIND ANOTHER RESTAURANT, THERE ARE MANY OTHERS IN THE AREA...GO SOMEPLACE ELSE. If I could give this restaurant no stars I would. I have extended family in Bratislava. Twelve of us from the States headed to Bratislava for my cousin's wedding. We had a 'family' dinner to celebrate the upcoming wedding, a few birthdays and my parents 60th wedding anniversary. We had a party of 20 people. They set up 2 tables of 10 for us which was fine. The problem was that they set the tables up in the outside area of the restaurant which was sort of outside. Three sides of this area were enclosed with glass. There were no overhead ceiling fans to move any air around. The ambient temperature was about 85 degrees. The temperature inside this glass enclosure was close to 100. Not very relaxing for a party with two people in their 80s, a couple in their 70s and a 7 month pregnant woman. Beyond the extreme heat, our server paid NO attention to our party. He took our initial drink order and brought those drinks. But when I ordered a second drink, after 20 minutes and no drink, I went to the bar to get the drink myself. I started asking other members of my family if they wanted drinks and started serving myself. When our food was ready, they bussed the 20 plates of food from the kitchen to a 'staging area' and waited until all 20 plates were staged, then they brought them to our table. Needless to say, about half of the plates of food were cold. I ordered the sea bass and it came out rare and way under-cooked so I sent it back. When my plate came back it was hot, but there was so much salt on my fish that I couldn't eat it. My mother's dish was over salted as were a number of other dishes. I found out this information after we left this place. The server never came around to ask anyone if the food was okay. The server never came around again to ask anyone if they needed another drink. He never offered to show us the wine list to order a bottle or two of wine for dinner...or even ask if anyone wanted a glass of wine with the meal. He never even came back to the table to ask if anyone wanted dessert. While my family had fun visiting with one another, I can't imagine how much more delightful our night would have been had we been at a different restaurant with an attentive wait staff and a good chef. I was so annoyed at the horrible service, I called the manager over and told him how horrible everything was...the service, food, etc. I had my cousin there to be able to translate in the event that the manager did not understand how disappointed and upset I was with the evening. DO NOT GO TO THIS RESTAURANT. THE FOOD IS HORRIBLE AND THE SERVICE IS WORSE. YOU'D BE BETTER OFF AT THE MC DONALDS THAT IS A SHORT WAY OFF.

  • rene karsmakers

    rene karsmakers


    I was first hesitating the Slovakian beef and gave the surprising face on the recommendation of the waiter. Then gave myself in the hands of the guys decision for the Slovakian 300 gram fillet steak and it turned out to be the best beef steak ever had! The light weighted knife was slicing the beef like a charm. Upon the bite it melted in my mouth. The home made sauce enlightened my tastebuds and it turned out to be the best choice ever! An amazing experience I would definitely recommend all of you! Don't let high prices scare you it's worth every cent.

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