Free Walking Tour Bratislava - City & Castle Tour ( Discover Bratislava ) i Bratislavský kraj

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SlovakietFree Walking Tour Bratislava - City & Castle Tour ( Discover Bratislava )



🕗 åbningstider

8, Františkánske námestie, 811 01, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 48.1443985, Longitude: 17.1080915

kommentar 5

  • Ian Hutchinson

    Ian Hutchinson


    Fascinating 2 1/2 hour tour of the city by Ludo.

  • Kudret Kılıç

    Kudret Kılıç


    One of the best free walking tours that I've tried so far. Our guide (Jakub) was well prepared and made the tour special with his very positive life energy. Surely recommended!

  • Maiara Rocha

    Maiara Rocha


    Nice tour! The guide, Patrick, clearly knows a lot about the city and would tell us in a very interesting way. He was also fun, would encourage the group to ask questions and interact and gave us excellent tips about what to do next. I 100% recommend it.

  • en

    Andreas Weiss


    Best way to enjoy Bratislava is to join this tour! Jakub really loves his city and he shows with his passion, knowledge and of course a lot of fun! Don't miss out this awesome experience, especially he can give you veggie and vegan friendly recommendations! Bratislava rocks!

  • diego loyola

    diego loyola


    These guys are great! Relaxed, not in a rush and knowledgeable guides. They helped us with tips on what to do and eat after the tour. Our guide had extensive knowledge and made sure everyone in the tour learned about the city. The other tours are now too crowded, too many people that it can be hard to do even hear or enjoy. I enjoyed that the group was small and we all discovered a bit more of Bratislava. I recommend this tour to everyone arriving in the city.

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