Gentlemen's Club Pressburg i Bratislavský kraj

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SlovakietGentlemen's Club Pressburg



🕗 åbningstider

9, Michalská, 811 01, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 911 929 524
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Latitude: 48.1446514, Longitude: 17.1066446

kommentar 5

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    Dawid Kot


    Best girls in Bratislawa!!! And best place to stag nights :D

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    Viktoria Nejman


    The club cheats customers, one big mafia headed by the boss!I do not reccomend!!!

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    Kevin Barry


    This place should be shut down ... brought my 19 year old brother in there .. they give him date rape drugs in his drink and stole all money out of his wallet 400€ and bank cards and driving licence.. really wrecked my dads birthday.. as i had a really hard time leaving this place i think if i had date rape maybe we wouldnt of got out so lucky ... also we just went in there for fun not to be robbed and date raped ... dirty dirty people !!! shame people dont read reviews about this before they go in ... and no one to do nothing about it as ran by people above police powers... !!

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    Cameron Babek


    If you enjoy being drugged and robbed this is the place for you!! My buddy and I went here while traveling Europe. The night started boring enough. But after a couple spiked tequila shots, things really got going! After hours of being completely blacked out, I awoke in my bed with no money, no phone, no friend, and over 3 Grand in credit card charges! I’d clearly been beaten, and to top it off they even took my belt! Never in my life did I think a place could feel so authentically Eastern European! All in all, wonderful experience for the westerner looking for something truly ethnic. (Sarcasm intended, Pressburg Club and all its Employees can enjoy life in Hell)

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    Sebastian Dumke


    Overprized and beware of getting ripped off. When you go downstairs you will end up in a very tiny room (perhaps 10sqm) with all girls and guys. No special atmosphere at all. The lady drinks are overprized. One was at last 89 EUR for a lady. But the worse thing was, that after paying 250 EUR in cash for additional time in the private room, the waitress was entering after 7min and asked for more money. According her the time was over. I know this time period because I checked my watch when I paid at the bar, before going back to the private room. So better go to other places before you also get ripped off.

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