Hotel ibis Bratislava Centrum v Bratislavský kraj

SlovenskoHotel ibis Bratislava Centrum



🕗 otváracia doba

Pondelokotvorené 24 hodín
Utorokotvorené 24 hodín
Stredaotvorené 24 hodín
Štvrtokotvorené 24 hodín
Piatokotvorené 24 hodín
Sobotaotvorené 24 hodín
Nedel'aotvorené 24 hodín
38, Zámocká, 811 01, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 2/592 920 00
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Latitude: 48.1445259, Longitude: 17.1025548

komentári 5

  • Aldona Bartnik

    Aldona Bartnik


    It is typical standard of Ibis hotel with all you need for breakfast. It was good we could open window, but noize from outside ( especiallu trams ) was very disturbing.

  • David Porte

    David Porte


    Nice hotel. My room 503 was very cute and comfortable. Service quiet and friendly. Forget to eat something after breakfast is closed. Breakfast is good and coffee very nice. Hotel is very good situated very close to the historical Center.

  • en

    Chavdar Filipov


    + The location of the hotel is great! Just a five-minute walk to the heart of Bratislava. The service and rooms were satisfactory for the budget we had. - I made an online check-in, but I was told they have a problem with the system, so I had to check-in the old-fashioned way. Also I guess there was an issue with their door opening system, cause we ended up with a night visitor at 5 am, opening our room door, turning on the light and after realizing he's obviously in the wrong room, he apologized and left.

  • Tanya Peneva

    Tanya Peneva


    Good basic accommodation in great location. Within walking distance from the Old Town centre, the Bratislava Castle and several bars/shops/cafes. Breakfast was enjoyable. The rooms are rather small, but clean and reasonably comfortable. Great choice if you're on a budget.

  • Pradeep Kumar Mohanty

    Pradeep Kumar Mohanty


    Ibis... A standard hotel, professional helpful employee. The good part about the place is that it is close to the city center. All the local attractions are close by. I have added a lot of pictures from the interior... so that you know the amenities. A peaceful place in the city center, I would recommend.

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