Manderla Apartment v Bratislavský kraj

SlovenskoManderla Apartment


žiadne informácie

🕗 otváracia doba

3 81101, Laurinská, 811 01, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 907 902 883
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Latitude: 48.1435357, Longitude: 17.1096966

komentári 5

  • en

    Harry Dew


    A shambles of an establishment. If being woken by construction work, bright daylight (due to the room having no curtains, leading to us being forced to use towels as makeshift curtains) is up your street then this is the place for you. With a list of rules long enough to scare even the toughest and strictest away accompanied by hefty fines for the smallest of infringements, this truly stands as a weak hostel. The old town is a beautiful area, the hostel not so much...

  • en

    alisa wangreen


    It’s not a bad apartment, but too loud, some drunk guys knocked on our door at night 3 times, waking us up.

  • en

    stijn nel


    Superb location! Doors of the rooms are not very strong though

  • Sara Hruskova

    Sara Hruskova


    the hostel is directly in the city centre, perfect location. It's really simple but clean and comfortable, good for a short stay/young travellers. Bathrooms are shared, reception not always occupied so you should let them know in advance when you arrive. There's no visible sign indicating the entrance to the hostel in the street so you have to pay attention to not miss it. The entrance is in the back of a yard which you can access through a big gate in the Laurinska street.

  • Javier Leiva Aguilera

    Javier Leiva Aguilera


    No table or chairs in the room neither in the kitchen. No place to put your clothes other than the bed or on the floor. Only one bathroom for a lot of people. The wifi works when it works, which is not all the time. There are a couple of good things, though: the place is nice and clean and it's located in the middle of the old town.

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