Hotel Pod zámkom i Trenčiansky kraj

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SlovakietHotel Pod zámkom



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Hurbanovo námestie, 972 01, Prievidza, Trenčiansky kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 46/518 51 00
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.7795786, Longitude: 18.5796907

kommentar 5

  • Petr Tupý

    Petr Tupý


    Definitelly not a four star hotel. Barely three... and 15 years ago. How is it possible to take a shower here without flooding whole bathroom is a mystery to me. Breakfast is acceptable, staff was helpful. Great bar with huge selection.

  • Jeffrey Wilkins

    Jeffrey Wilkins


    Feels more like an oldish 3 star hotel. The worst of all are the beds. Absolutely horrible. It's just a 5cm thick sheet of foam mattress placed on a wooden board.

  • Lukasz Ptak

    Lukasz Ptak


    Room not up to standard, 80s decor

  • Adyantoine Mougin

    Adyantoine Mougin


    Location is the best: just in front of the castle and the oldest zoo of Slovakia. Hotel is good/ room with old furniture/ breakfast is ok. You have to pay extra for wellness sauna pool!

  • Michal Gál

    Michal Gál


    Hotel is nice but old. They should renovation rooms. Breakfast are very tasty also servis is good. Location of hotel is the best!

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