Spa Bojnice i Trenčiansky kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietSpa Bojnice


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2, Kúpeľná, 972 01, Prievidza, Trenčiansky kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 46/511 63 57
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.7726934, Longitude: 18.5715036

kommentar 5

  • Helena Klinčeková

    Helena Klinčeková


    Veľmi pekné miesto, procedúry sme si užili- boli super, jedlo hlavne raňajky vynikajúce ale aj obedy a večere chutné, personál v pohode, ubytovanie v poriadku. Jediné, čo mi vadilo bola neustála prehnaná kontrola prezúvania pri elektroliečbe aj v peknom počasí ( kedy topánky neboli vôbec znečistené a boli aj utreté pri chôdzi na vstupných kobercoch) a návleky na topánky, ktoré neboli udržiavané - roztriedené na použité a nepoužité.

  • Milena .Kusnierova

    Milena .Kusnierova


    Lovely place with good hot water inside and outside. Possibility to walk around. Not far from the town an Zoo garden.

  • Tomas Paulduro

    Tomas Paulduro


    Disappointment. The sauna was opened from 4pm, but we came there before 2pm. The pools were full of old people and there was no place where we could rest. After an hour we were so bored we left even though we paid for two hours. Outside is beautiful, but the spa is not.

  • Milan



    The spa is fantastic. Not really cheap though. One gripe, the bar doesn't open until 2pm.

  • Dušan Maliarik

    Dušan Maliarik


    Spa itself and saunas are not too bad, but the pricing model is super annoying, you're paying for each service separately, they don't have a pass for both sauna, pools and gym, the sauna is time limited, if you stay longer, they'll charge you extra fee. There is no customer parking, just paid parking that coincidentally belongs to the spa. Customer service is also quite poor.

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