LIDO restaurant i Bratislavský kraj

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SlovakietLIDO restaurant



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251/1, Panská, 811 01, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakiet
kontakter telefon: +421 915 338 376
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 48.142684, Longitude: 17.1090066

kommentar 5

  • Trung Lý Hữu

    Trung Lý Hữu


    Nhà hàng Lido, trong Khu phố cổ Bratislava, tại thủ đô Bratislava của Slovakia, có thịt bò và cá hồi nướng rất ngon,

  • en

    Joshua Talbutt


    Food was ok nothing to write home about, the waiter over sold this place to us and at the same time was not really bothered with us. As you may see by my photos the food looks nice however that's as far as that goes. The food lacked flaver and the sauce bottles lacked sauce, what a utter letdown.

  • Levent Akal

    Levent Akal


    Biz 6 kişi olarak beğendik ama ardımızdan gelen 40 kişilik grup memnun kalmadı...

  • de

    Monika Strasser


    Freundliche bedienung, dass Essen gerade noch irgendwie ok. Das Schweinefleisch war leider nach mehrmaligen Aufwärmen (da beim ersten Versuch noch blutig und nicht durch) ungenießbar, zäh und trocken! Nachdem wir reklamiert hatten, wurde das Essen abserviert, jedoch trotzdem verrechnet. Der Chef des Restaurants war sehr unhöflich und gab uns die Schuld für das schlechten Essen!!! Absolut nicht zu empfehlen!!!

  • Alfonso Herrera

    Alfonso Herrera


    Food was good. Had their carbonara and I have to say it was done the right way. They gave free bruschetta too as an appetizer. One thing though: I got really turned off when they didn't give our change back after paying and had us waiting quite a while for it. We just decided to leave. I know it wasn't much but it still is common courtesy to give back the change and let the customer decide how much to tip. I'm not well aware of the tipping policy in Slovakia but I found it rude to assume and keep the change.

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