Mille Baci i Bratislavský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietMille Baci



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1, Námestie SNP, 811 06, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 917 138 767
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.1458489, Longitude: 17.1086378

kommentar 5

  • Michal Janeček

    Michal Janeček


    Great Italian food! (they don't have pizza, but everything else)

  • en

    Katka M


    Small and cosy family run restaurant with Italian cuisine and with mom as chef and son as waiter hidden in the northern part of the SNP square. They are open only during lunch and dinner time. Their menu is not huge in choice but is altered monthly based on seasonal ingredients. It usually features a small assortment of antipasti, several risottos and pasta, 5-8 main dishes and 2-3 desserts. Ordering just pasta or risotto is possible and their quantity is enough to fill an empty stomach. They offer a good selection of wines. Love namely their risottos and desserts.

  • Daniel Hall

    Daniel Hall


    Fantastic. Had the lunch menu, with a light and fragrant tomato soup, a lovely risotto with prosecco and beef cheeks, and a couple of fresh raspberries on the house to finish (not forgetting a strong espresso). All for less than 10 euro. Lovely place.

  • pavol kovacs

    pavol kovacs


    Great authentic italian place. Tasty food and exceptional service

  • Milan Regec

    Milan Regec


    Family owned and run business that brings not only unusual favors but also heart and soul to the table. This place has unique look and personality, you are encouraged to talk and your opinions are welcomed. If you are still hungry after your lunch, just ask for more. Check opening hours as those are not usual as well - italian siesta applies!

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