L‘Olive v Bratislavský kraj




🕗 otváracia doba

424/3, Františkánska, 811 01, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 2/594 905 00
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Latitude: 48.1452319, Longitude: 17.1081054

komentári 5

  • Tassilo Kubitz

    Tassilo Kubitz


    A charming menu. The food is prepared with lots of love and finesse. Very tasty and especially in one. The Slovakian wines are highly recommended and in the end a Borovicka can not be missed.

  • en

    Sami Anttila


    Shameful display from the restaurant l'olive. We had a reservation one month prior to our visit. When we enter the restaurant it is completely empty, we are the only visitors. They tell us that they had lost our reservation. Now this could still be alright, but what follows is not ok. They told us that as we have too large group (6 people!) they can only offer us the month's lunch menu and it will take 2 hours to prepare the food. We arrived around 7:30 pm for dinner. We left the restaurant and found another very nice one nearby which had no trouble to serve our "large" group. Hopefully they make sure no one else has to go through this experience by making sure the reservation system works from now on. I was a real shame as the restaurant was supposed to be a good one.

  • Lenka Radisic

    Lenka Radisic


    A nice place!

  • Sune Christiansen

    Sune Christiansen


    Nice hotel and rooms. Breakfast is though of a very poor quality, they do not fill up the trays and the quality is not worth 5 stars. Apparently then its possible to order specials, but no one tells that or there are no menu cards pointing that out!

  • Aurelio Escandell

    Aurelio Escandell


    We had a very pleasent stay at Arcadia and nice meals in the restaurant L'olive! The most remacable was the friendliness of the staff!

najbližšia Reštaurácie

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