Regal Burger v Bratislavský kraj

SlovenskoRegal Burger



🕗 otváracia doba

4, Palackého, 811 02, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421
web stránka:
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Latitude: 48.141396, Longitude: 17.1102371

komentári 5

  • en

    Pedro Quiros


    Location is nice - it's a small bar with few places, but in modern style. I wasn't that impressed by those burgers: we took 1 special and 1 with avocado - both were very spicy (I like spicy food, but here was something bad with it) and very oily. I didn't recognize any avocado inside. If you expect for example something a'la freshness burger with avocado from Tokio, then you you will be disappointed. Plus: a lot of non-alcoholic beverages (mate etc).

  • Alex S

    Alex S


    Great food, both meat and vegetarian options available for a decent price. A nice atmosphere and great staff. The veg was fresh and the meat was good quality. Would definitely recommend.

  • matus putala

    matus putala


    Really tasty burgers, meat and vegan. They offer all you can drink in combination with fries from 2€. Staff is nice and place is litle small but it works :).

  • en

    Ma St


    Good burgers. Meat quality could be better but for the rest excellent including the vegetarian burger. We got complimentary fries for the long wait - so good service!

  • Finian Lim

    Finian Lim


    When it comes to burger, Singapore has plenty of restaurants selling burgers. But yet this small shop located at a corner of the town square sells one of the best burger i had ever eaten. The sauce tasted unique and gave the burger a burst of flavours, while the beef was cooked perfectly - juicy and tender. Plus the service staff was really patient and took the effort to explain the menu. Definitely value for money. Highly recommendable for any tourists.

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