Sladovňa - House Of Beer -

SzlovákiaSladovňa - House Of Beer



🕗 Nyitva tartás

5, Ventúrska, 811 01, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
érintkezés telefon: +421 917 211 111
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.1427006, Longitude: 17.1062795

hozzászólások 5

  • David Demian

    David Demian


    Really like that place. Had a ribs which have been served with amazing home made bread and all garnish. It's about hidden but actually great spot to have a beer and some food.

  • Marcello Rehder

    Marcello Rehder


    The thing I liked the most about here is the quiet and silence if you sit in the courtyard with big tables in the back of the restaurant. You stay away from all the noise of the main street on which the restaurant is located. As too the food I had the Goulash with bread dumplings and the Potato Gnocchi with goat cheese. They were both good, but I preferred the Goulash. It was the first real goulash I ate in Europe. Not even in the Czech Republic I ate a goulash as good as this one. (But I know there are good ones there.)

  • elèna deufemia

    elèna deufemia


    One of the best slovak restaurant in town! The food is Amazing, beer selection is great, personnel is UNBELIEVABLE NICE, very nice! Not expensive at all (Not a lot of vegetarian selection still you can find salads, cheese plates and some pretty tasty vegetables) If you are looking for the real Slovak food, this is the place!

  • en

    Matt Pierson


    Pleasantly surprised with this restaurant that I pass by regularly but had never tried. Lots of space with the whole courtyard to themselves. Food was pretty good at reasonable prices. I'll be back for sure.

  • Aaron Shackelford

    Aaron Shackelford


    Honestly the place looks nice and could be very fun. But the beer is at best mediocre, mine was served in a fresh, hot mug and really the service was subpar. Specially thought it was pretty bad when I get the bill and they give me grief because all I had was a 20 euro.... As a beer lover and a person who enjoys trying new places, this one for me was a sure fire place to try but certainly not one I would come back to or recommend anyone to try or partake in. Again it looks cool and the atmosphere has a good vibe. The staff tho and quality of service plus the beer itself was the real killers of points for this place. And I'm pretty generous with places usually.

legközelebbi Bár

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